Immediate and long-term results of physiotherapeutic treatment of patients with chronic constipation in abnormal development of the colon





Background. Currently, the issue of effective conservative treatment of constipation in cases of colon developmental abnormalities remains open.

Aim: to study the immediate and long-term results of the treatment of chronic constipation in case of colon development abnormalities, through individualization of the physiotherapeutic methods used, depending on the type of pathology.

Methods. The article presents the experience of treatment in the Department of Internal Medicine of the Lugansk Republican Clinical Hospital, from 2013 to the present, of 389 patients with chronic constipation in colon developmental abnormalities. We used types of electrical stimulation, different in the method of applying electrodes and the stimulating current parameters. In the work, we used the serial apparatus “Endoton 01-B”. We evaluated the immediate and long-term results of treatment in the period from 6 months to 3 years.

Results. After 3–4 courses of rectal electrostimulation of patients with compensated and subcompensated forms of the disease, for 6–7 months, 346 (88.95%) patients had regular independent defecation with an interval of 24–36 hours. The remaining 43 (11.05%) patients with subcompensated and decompensated forms of the disease received 5–6 courses of rectal electrical stimulation during the year. A persistent positive effect was obtained, namely independent defecation with an interval of 36–48 hours.

Conclusion. Rectal electrical stimulation for this pathology is considered the method of choice. The functional immediate and long-term results of rehabilitation of patients confirmed the correctness of the approach chosen.


Olga Litvinova

Luhansk state medical University Saint Luke

俄罗斯联邦, Luhansk


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