The objective assessment of the effectiveness of robot-assisted mechanotherapy in the children presenting with locomotor disorders of different origin

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The objective of the present study was the neurophysiological assessment, by means of diagnostic transcranial magnetic stimulation (TCMS), of the effectiveness of the application of a MotionMarker apparatus for robotic mechanotherapy (RMT) of the children with locomotor disorders of different origin. A total of 20 children presenting with locomotor disorders due to infantile cerebral paralysis, viral encephalitis, and myelitis were involved in the study. Fourteen patients were given RMT and 6 ones conventional neural rehabilitation. All of them underwent TCMS before and after the treatment. It was shown that a course of robotic mechanotherapy significantly improved conductivity of conducting pathways, enhanced the functional activity of motor neurons in the cortex and lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord. The authors hypothesize that these changes may be due to the activation of the neuroplastic processes. It is concluded that diagnostic transcranial magnetic stimulation can be recommended as a technology for the objective evaluation of the effectiveness of the rehabilitative measures.

About the authors

Vladislav B. Voitenkov

Federal state budgetary institution "Research Institute of Children’s Infections” Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency


N. V Skripchenko

Federal state budgetary institution "Research Institute of Children’s Infections” Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency


M. V Ivanova

Federal state budgetary institution "Research Institute of Children’s Infections” Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency


N. F Pul’man

Federal state budgetary institution "Research Institute of Children’s Infections” Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency


S. G Grigor’ev

Federal state budgetary institution "Research Institute of Children’s Infections” Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency


A. V Klimkin

Federal state budgetary institution "Research Institute of Children’s Infections” Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency



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