Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation

Peer-review bimonthly medical journal.


Journal founders

  • Izdatelstvo "Meditsyna"
  • Eco-Vector Publishing Group



The journal is aimed at a wide range of physical therapists, health resort specialists, exercise therapy specialists, and rehabilitation specialists who focus on a variety of diseases. The journal features the latest data on prevention and treatment methods that employ natural and preformed physical factors. It publishes research results on this topic and data from allied clinical disciplines, shares practical experience, and explores means of improving health resort, physical therapy and rehabilitation services. The journal also publishes material concerning debatable topics and issues, lectures, thematic reviews, information on meetings and conferences.

Types of accepted articles

  • reviews
  • systematic reviews and metaanalyses
  • original research
  • clinical case reports and series
  • letters to the editor
  • short communications
  • clinical practice guidelines


  • in English and Russian
  • bimonthly, 6 issues per year
  • continuously in Online First
  • with Article Submission Charge (ASC)
  • distribution in hybrid mode - by subscription and/or Open Access
    (OA articles with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0))


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  • WorldCat
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Current Issue

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Access granted  Restricted Access Subscription Access

Vol 22, No 5 (2023)

Cover Page

Full Issue

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Ways to increase the effectiveness of hypertension correction during antitumor therapy with the use of VEGF inhibitors
Einullaeva T.R.

In recent years, cardioncology has rapidly become responsible for comprehensive decision-making appropriate cancer patients receiving cardiotoxic cancer therapy. Currently, the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach in the correction of adverse events using various drug antitumor therapy regimens is becoming increasingly relevant. In particular, given the widespread use of vascular-endothelial growth factor inhibitors, both at the heart of complex schemes and in mono-supportive modes. It is important to timely identify and correct such a clinically significant adverse event as an increase in blood pressure at the time of administration and in the early follow-up period. Adherence to standard drug regimens for hypertension, which usually provide satisfactory blood pressure control between cycles of administration of vascular-endothelial growth factor inhibitors, in a number of patients did not allow the same effective retention of blood pressure in the planned intervals with the administration of bevacizumab. The intensification of drug therapy for hypertension, both at the pre-infusion stage and at the time of an increase in blood pressure, was of a multidirectional nature.

Search and summarize information on the availability and development of physiotherapeutic treatment methods for the correction of hypertension during antitumor therapy in cancer patients using vascular-endothelial growth factor inhibitors. 35 literature sources were analyzed. There are no data on the development of physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of bevacizumab-induced hypertension. Domestic sources ― 25 articles. Foreign sources ― 10 articles.

An analysis of the literature concluded that there is a lack of research on the development of physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of bevacizumab-induced hypertension. In order to reduce the cardiotoxicity of humanized recombined monoclonal antibodies, maintain the dose interval period, improve survival and eliminate the need for dose adjustment of antihypertensive drugs, it is proposed to consider the use of preformed physical factors in the treatment of bevacizumab-induced hypertension.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2023;22(5):319-328
pages 319-328 views
Promising technologies for pre-sterilization ultrasonic cleaning of medical devices for patient safety in physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation
Zaytseva T.N., Gerasimenko M.Y., Evstigneeva I.S., Perfileva O.M.

Intensive introduction of innovative technologies into practice in order to improve the effectiveness of treatment and diagnostic measures and reduce the negative impact on the human body nevertheless contributes to the emergence of adverse events directly related to the provision of medical care. In the complex of anti-epidemic measures aimed at eliminating infection in medical organisations, a major role belongs to the correct organisation and performance of pre-sterilisation cleaning of medical devices. Technologies of processing of medical devices and pre-sterilisation cleaning should be convenient and safe to use, have no damaging effect on the processed items, be highly effective and at the same time not labour-intensive. Today cleaning with the use of ultrasonic units remains promising, with the help of which the standardisation of the treatment process is carried out, the influence of the human factor on the quality of cleaning is reduced, and the control of the main critical parameters of the process is carried out in automatic mode.

The purpose of the work is to justify the need to maintain the safety of the patient and staff using the promising use of ultrasonic influences.

The results of this literature review reflect information about the safety and effectiveness of the method of ultrasonic pre-sterilization cleaning of medical instruments used in physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation. Basic information is provided about the physical essence of the ultrasonic cleaning process, its effect on biological systems from the standpoint of physical, biological and chemical effects, which ensures the safety of manipulations and procedures in physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2023;22(5):329-344
pages 329-344 views

Original studies

Evaluation of the effectiveness of complex medical rehabilitation of patients with polyposis rhinosinusitis associated with atopic dermatitis using ICF
Pelishenko T.G., Kruglova L.S., Nagornev S.N.

BACKGROUND: In medical rehabilitation of patients with polyposis rhinosinusitis, aimed at solving the urgent strategic task of public health care to achieve and maintain an optimal level of functioning of persons suffering from partial disability through the development of effective methods of restoration of impaired functions and prevention of complications, there is a need to adequately assess the effectiveness of the measures taken. In this regard, it should be noted that the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) serves as the gold standard for assessing the patient's quality of life and the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures. The category of human functioning acts as a system-forming basis and starting point of the patient's rehabilitation process in the ICF. In practice, the ICF is based on the biopsychosocial model of health (disease) assessment, which considers psychological and social factors of health (disease) and biological disorders in close interrelated unity.

AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of complex medical rehabilitation of patients with polyposis rhinosinusitis associated with atopic dermatitis using dynamic changes in the main domains of the ICF.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was performed with 89 patients with polyposis rhinosinusitis associated with atopic dermatitis. All patients were divided into 4 groups by simple fixed randomisation. The first group (control, n=22) received only basic therapy, including endonasal application of nasonex 2 doses 2 times a day, daily twice daily washing of the nasal mucosa, as well as the use of desensitising (antihistamines, topical glucocorticoids and moisturising and emollient agents) and detoxifying agents. Patients in the second group (comparison group 1, n=22) were additionally subcutaneously administered dupilumab at a dose of 300 mcg once a fortnight. In the third group (comparison group 2, n=23) against the background of dupilumab administration the combined effect of alternating magnetic field and low-intensity laser radiation of red spectrum was performed. Patients of the fourth group (the main group, n=22) received a course of phototherapy in addition to the scope of treatment of patients of the third group. The results of medical rehabilitation of patients with polyposis rhinosinusitis associated with atopic dermatitis were evaluated according to the dynamics of specialised categories of ICF, which most accurately characterise the patient's condition from the perspective of the biopsychosocial model of the disease.

RESULTS: Changes in the estimated parameters of ICF at comparable initial values had different character and were determined by the scheme of medical rehabilitation. Minimal changes were recorded in the control group. The use of dupilumab was accompanied by positive dynamics of the parameters after 1 month with a significant increase in the shifts after 6 months, indicating the recovery of a number of mental and physical functions, as well as the ICF categories characterising the organism structures, activity and participation of the patient. Supplementation of biological therapy with course magnetolaser influence was accompanied by an increase in positive changes, which were confirmed in 6 months after rehabilitation. The maximum dynamics of the considered ICF categories was noted in the 4th group, where dupilumab administration was supplemented with complex use of therapeutic physical factors.

CONCLUSION: The obtained results prove the high informativeness of the system approach realised with the help of ICF in assessing the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation measures. The comparative evaluation of rehabilitation results convincingly showed the advantages of the complex programme including dupilumab target therapy in combination with physiotherapeutic effects.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2023;22(5):345-356
pages 345-356 views
An algorithm for the use of various transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation modalities in treatment of patients with residual positive sensory symptoms after surgical decompression of the carpal tunnel
Al-Zamil M.K., Kuliev R.R., Vasilieva E.S., Mikhailova A.A., Kotenko K.V.

BACKGROUND: The main cause of residual neurological symptoms after surgical carpal tunnel decompression is long-term compressive neuropathy of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel in the preoperative period. As a result, irreversible morphological and neurophysiological changes gradually develop on the part of the compressed median nerve, which may not recover after its decompression.

AIM: To establish an algorithm for the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) of various modalities in the treatment of patients with residual neurological symptoms after undergoing surgical carpal tunnel decompression.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We observed 100 patients with residual positive symptoms after undergoing successful of surgical decompression of the carpal tunnel. The control group consisted of 20 patients (10 women and 10 men) and underwent a 2-month course of standard drug therapy. The main group (n=80), in addition to the standard drug therapy carried out in the control group, underwent a course of TENS, which began on the 2nd month of drug treatment. Depending on the form of TENS therapy, patients of the main group were divided into 4 subgroups: the TENS placebo subgroup (n=20) underwent a course of ineffective TENS. High-frequency TENS subgroup (n=20) completed a course of high-frequency low-amplitude TENS. Low-frequency TENS subgroup (n=20) completed a course of low-frequency high-amplitude TENS. The high-frequency TENS + low-frequency TENS subgroup underwent a simultaneous course of high-frequency TENS and low-frequency TENS (n=20). Positive sensory symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning and a feeling of electric charge were rated by the patients themselves over the past 24 hours on a 10-point scale.

RESULTS: When comparing the subgroups of effective TENS (high-frequency TENS, low-frequency TENS, high-frequency TENS + low-frequency TENS) with the subgroup of ineffective TENS (placebo), a significant decrease in positive sensory symptoms was revealed in the subgroups of high-frequency TENS, low-frequency TENS, high-frequency TENS and low-frequency TENS by 112%, 40% and 163% respectively. When comparing the effectiveness of high-frequency TENS and low-frequency TENS with each other, it was possible to establish that high-frequency TENS exceeds the efficiency of low-frequency TENS by almost 2 times. However, the combination of low-frequency TENS with high-frequency TENS enhances the therapeutic effect of the latter by 46%.

CONCLUSION: The use of high-frequency TENS is recommended in the treatment of patients with residual positive sensory symptoms. For strong positive sensory symptoms with the development of secondary affective reactions, it is recommended to combine high-frequency TENS and low-frequency TENS to enhance the effect.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2023;22(5):357-366
pages 357-366 views
Analysis of descriptions of therapeutic exercise procedures in the rehabilitation of patients with subacromial impingement syndrome: assessment using the Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT checklist)
Gazimiev A.M., Pilipson Z.Y., Koneva E.S., Ilyin D.O., Polonskii V.A., Achkasov E.E., Korolev A.V.

BACKGROUND: Therapeutic exercises are the method of choice for conservative treatment of subacromial impingement syndrome. However, due to poor content reporting of exercise in clinical trials there are limitations in interpretation and replication of these trials’ methods and results. In 2016 the CERT (Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template) was developed to address this problem.

AIM: To evaluate the completeness of content reporting of exercise interventions in clinical trials for patients with subacromial impingement syndrome using CERT and implement the principles of CERT into our own practice by describing an original therapeutic exercise protocol.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search was conducted for scientific articles published from October 2016, that mentioned therapeutic exercises as a treatment method for subacromial impingement syndrome. Then, the CERT was applied to 34 selected publications, the data was analyzed and compared with similar studies. A description of an original therapeutic exercise protocol was conducted in accordance with the principles of CERT.

RESULTS: The mean CERT score was 9,9 (52,17%); median 10; range 4–18; 19 (55,88%) trials had a CERT score of ≥10, while the remaining 15 (44,12%) scored <10. The most poorly reported items were description of instructor qualifications (2), individual or group (3), motivation strategies (6), progression rule (7a), adverse events (11), tailored (how) (14b), starting level rule (15), adherence (planned and actual) (16a, 16b). Only 50% of studies included data on adherence report (5).

CONCLUSION: The description of therapeutic exercises for patients with subacromial impingement syndrome in published trials remains poorly reported. Proper critical analysis of studies using CERT should be taken into account when assessing the effectiveness of ongoing research investigating therapeutic gymnastics.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2023;22(5):367-378
pages 367-378 views
The effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with fine motor impairment after ischemic stroke
Lupanovа K.V., Sidyakina I.V., Mikhailova A.A., Korchazhkina N.B.

BACKGROUND: The consequences of acute cerebrovascular accidents significantly reduce the quality of life and disrupt the professional activity of patients. A number of studies in patients with mild and moderate paresis of the upper limb after ischemic stroke have shown the clinical effectiveness of the use of hardware technologies based on the principle of biofeedback ― a non-drug treatment method using special equipment for recording, amplification and "feedback" physiological information to the patient.

AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of fine motor skills restorationin patients after ischemic stroke using hardware methods with biofeedback, in combination with peripheral electrical myostimulation and basic therapy.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: At the Medsi Clinical Hospital, in the personalized rehabilitation department, examinations and treatment and rehabilitation measures were carried out for 57 patients (22 women and 35 men) who had suffered ischemic stroke with motor disorders in the upper limb. Patients were randomized into groups: group 1 (comparison) ― 30 patients who underwent a standard rehabilitation program for neurological disorders, within which peripheral electrical myostimulation (ACorD) N 10 was performed daily in combination with an additional set of exercises for fine motor skills 30 minutes 5 times a week No 20; group 2 (main) ― 27 patients who along with the basic program and peripheral electromyostimulation (ACorD) N 10 daily, underwent biofeedback sessions on the HandTutor device for 30 minutes, 5 times a week No 20. The patients received drug therapy for neurological disorders, they underwent physical therapy exercises, walking treatment on the Lokomat automatic device, mechanotherapy, and sessions with a neuropsychologist. Before and after the end of rehabilitation measures, at 3, 6 and 12 months, the patient’s condition was assessed using the Rivermead Activities of Daily Living scale ― part "hand", the state of hand function was assessed using the "Finger and Wrist Movement Analysis" test on the HandTutor glove (MediTouch, Israel).

RESULTS: It has been established that the inclusion of the proposed method in a complex of rehabilitation measures after a stroke contributes to a statistically significant positive dynamics of Rivermead scale indicators (part "hand") and an active increase in the movements of all fingers and wrists by 30–40% within 3–12 months after the start of rehabilitation events.

CONCLUSION: The use of hardware methods with biofeedback is a clinically effective approach within the framework of complex rehabilitation of post-stroke patients with impaired function of the upper limb, the positive effect of which is based on the mechanisms of neuroplasticity.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2023;22(5):379-388
pages 379-388 views
Assessment of the quality of life in complex medical rehabilitation of patients at the stage of chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Kozyreva V.O., Yarustovskaya O.V.

BACKGROUND: At the stage of chemoradiotherapy of malignant neoplasms of the head and neck, in 90% of cases, the development of radiation dermatitis and mucositis is observed. The resulting acute radiation reactions negatively affect not only the quality of life of the patient, but also the planned treatment. A multidisciplinary approach with the inclusion of basic treatment, physical therapy, physical factors, psychological correction, and nutritional support is an effective strategy for improving the patient's quality of life at this stage of treatment.

AIM: To assess the quality of life of patients in complex medical rehabilitation who underwent chemoradiotherapy for malignant neoplasms of the head and neck.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: An interventional prospective randomized study was conducted with the participation of 60 patients with malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity, larynx, oropharynx, larynx undergoing chemoradiotherapy. The main group (n=30) received a course of medical rehabilitation: exposure to low-temperature argon plasma, general magnetic therapy, physical therapy, training on the support reaction on a barefoot platform, nutritional support and classes with a medical psychologist. In patients of the comparison group (n=30), plasma exposure was not included in the rehabilitation course. The effect of chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer on the patient's quality of life was assessed by the severity of pain syndrome, physical functioning, and limitations of daily activities using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) techniques, a questionnaire developed by C.D. Spielberger and adapted by Y.L. Khanin, the SF-36 questionnaire.

RESULTS: After a course of chemoradiotherapy, patients began to complain of pain, burning in the mouth, complaints of dry mouth, pain when swallowing, eating, limited mouth opening, redness and peeling of the skin, voice changes, difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings at night, embarrassment of one’s appearance. In patients of both groups, there was a decrease in the level of reactive and personal anxiety, the increased level of anxiety and depression decreased by the end of the course of chemoradiotherapy with a decrease in indicators after 6 months. Despite the increase in pain intensity during chemoradiation treatment, an increase in vital activity indicator was recorded, as well as an indicator of self-assessment of one’s health by the end of the course of chemoradiation treatment.

CONCLUSION: The resulting radiation mucositis and epidermitis at the stage of chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer lead to physical and psychological limitations, worsening the patient's quality of life, which determines the need to accompany this stage of treatment with comprehensive medical rehabilitation. The study of the dynamics of the parameters of the quality of life of patients is the basis for the selection of individual rehabilitation treatment programs.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2023;22(5):389-398
pages 389-398 views
About the benefits of physical therapy during antitumor therapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Kashanova A.E., Koneva E.S., Mochalova A.S.

BACKGROUND: The data available today show the positive impact of increased physical activity on the patient’s condition, helping not only to improve physical health, but also psycho-emotional state, reducing stress and anxiety. Comprehensive rehabilitation programs can significantly improve the overall well-being of cancer patients and contribute to their return to an active social life.

AIM: To study the effect of increased physical activity in the form of physical therapy on the overall result of antitumor treatment, the level of quality of life of patients with non-small cell lung cancer receiving immunotherapy both alone and in combination with cytostatics.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved 56 patients who were divided into two groups: main (n=30) and control (n=26). The study included patients with ECOG status 1–3. In both groups, patients received standard antitumor therapy ― immunotherapy with pembrolizumab 400 mg every 42 days or 200 mg every 21 days as monotherapy, or in combination with cytotoxic therapy (carboplatin plus paclitaxel or pemetrexed). In addition to drug treatment, patients from the main group also regularly engaged in therapeutic exercises with an instructor.

RESULTS: From the presented data and visualization it is clear that after treatment with the addition of physical education, the average level of quality of life in patients increased, the results highlight the significant positive impact of the rehabilitation program on the quality of life of cancer patients, reducing stress levels and improving functional indicators.

CONCLUSION: The study shows that regular practice of therapeutic exercises can improve stress levels and improve emotional well-being, help reduce fatigue and reduce general weakness. A reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety has been clearly demonstrated. Exercise therapy leads to increased muscle strength, which is especially important for recovery from intensive cancer treatments.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2023;22(5):399-405
pages 399-405 views

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