Radicular pain associated with chronic neuropathic pain syndrome. Modern approaches to non-drug treatment

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The review presents modern data on epidemiology, mechanisms of pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis of radicular pain. The indications for surgical treatment, the causes of failures in the treatment of radicular pain syndrome and the issues of its chronicity, as well as the prevention of the development of chronic pain of lumbosacral localization are considered. A generalized list of predictors of outcomes of surgical treatment of radicular pain is presented. Criteria for stage-by-stage diagnostics, physical and instrumental examination of patients with radicular pain in the lower back are presented. Conditions aimed at expanding the range of diagnostic studies, the feasibility of a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of patients with pain in lumbosacral localization are discussed.

About the authors

Sergey V. Mit'kovskii

FGBUZ «Central Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Author for correspondence.
Email: mitkovskiy_sergey@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3949-5448
Russian Federation, Goluboe

Elena S. Kiparisova

Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Federal Research and Clinical Center of Specialized types of medical care and medical technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Email: mitkovskiy_sergey@mail.ru
SPIN-code: 2841-9154

DSc., Prof

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Andrey V. Kochetkov

Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Federal Research and Clinical Center of Specialized types of medical care and medical technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Email: mitkovskiy_sergey@mail.ru

DSc., Prof

Russian Federation, Moscow

Valery G. Mit'kovskii

FGBUZ «Central Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»; Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Federal Research and Clinical Center of Specialized types of medical care and medical technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Email: mitkovskiy_sergey@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0539-3320


Russian Federation, Goluboe; Moscow


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