The method of phoresis in the prevention and treatment of hyperpigmentation: theoretical and practical aspects of application

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Physiotherapy methods of treatment are widely used in modern cosmetology. High tolerance and safety, combined with the absence of skin injuries, make it possible to include this method in the combined protocols for the prevention and treatment of age-related skin changes and aesthetic deficiencies, including hyperpigmentation. The review provides a detailed description of the milling method, as well as its mechanism of action and application features. This article is of interest to practicing dermatologists, cosmetologists and physiotherapists.

About the authors

Eugeniya V. Ikonnikova

Central State Medical Academy of the Administrative Department of the President of Russia, Institute for Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 9210-8396


Russian Federation, Moscow

Maria A. Avgumyan

Central State Medical Academy of the Administrative Department of the President of Russia, Institute for Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology

SPIN-code: 5194-8615
Russian Federation, Moscow


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