Selective ablative laser technologies in the correction of involutional skin changes

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Using a combined application of surface and deep fractional ablation allows you to solve a wider range of problems in the correction of aesthetic deficiencies in the case of involute skin changes. The study examined the clinical efficacy of the interference of the superficial and deep fractional ablation on epiflourescent and ultrasonic parameters of the skin. There were 52 patients under observation, who were divided into 2 groups according to the treatment regimen. Surface fractional ablation was performed in group 1, and interference of surface and deep fractional ablation was performed in group 2. The analysis of clinical data and the degree of satisfaction with the procedures showed a more pronounced clinical effect when performing combined exposure.

About the authors

Zhanna Yu. Yusova

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education Central State Medical Academy, Presidential Administration of Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 7637-1663

DSc, Prof.

Russian Federation, Moscow

Elena L. Baranova

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education Central State Medical Academy, Presidential Administration of Russian Federation

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Рис. 1. Схема термальной микрозоны в виде спирали.

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3. Рис. 2. Динамика пигментации после лечения: ГФА — глубокая фракционная абляция; ПФА — поверхностная фракционная абляция.

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4. Рис. 3. Показатель «расширенные поры»: ГФА — глубокая фракционная абляция; ПФА — поверхностная фракционная абляция.

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5. Рис. 4. Визуализация на Антере — динамика уменьшения расширенных пор: а — интерференция поверхностной и глубокой фракционной абляции; б — поверхностная фракционная абляция.

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6. Рис. 5. Степень удовлетворенности процедурой: ГФА — глубокая фракционная абляция; ПФА — поверхностная фракционная абляция.

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