Efficiency of application of natural and preformed physical factors at the resort in patients with postolocystectomic syndrome

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The objective: to study the effectiveness of natural and preformed physical factors in correcting functional state of liver in patients with postcholecystectomy syndrome.

Material and methods. We examined 80 patients after cholecystectomy at the age of 45.4±10.2 years. Patients received spa therapy with the use of drinking mineral water Essentuki-Novaya and foam licorice baths (comparison group; n=40) and additionally magnetotherapy on the upper half of the body (main group; n=40).

Results. After the treatment, patients showed a positive dynamics of clinical symptoms of the disease, functional liver tests, lipid metabolism, normalization of lipid peroxidation.

Conclusion. The complex application of natural healing factors and magnetotherapy to patients after cholecystectomy leads to a significant improvement in the basic functions of the hepatobiliary system, normalizes peroxide homeostasis, stabilizes lipid metabolism, prevents the development of inflammatory-degenerative and stagnant phenomena in the biliary system, which prevents the progression of the pathological process.

About the authors

G. A. Merkulova

ФГБУ «Пятигорский государственный научно-исследовательский институт курортологии Федерального-медико-биологического агентства»

Email: orgotdel@gniik.ru
Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk

Agnessa Sardoevna Kaysinova

Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Author for correspondence.
Email: orgotdel@gniik.ru

MD, deputy director for medical work of the Pyatigorsk State Scientific and Research Institute of Balneology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk

A. A. Kudryavtsev

Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Email: orgotdel@gniik.ru
Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk

T. E. Fedorova

Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Email: orgotdel@gniik.ru
Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk

F. I. Tekeeva

Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Email: orgotdel@gniik.ru
Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk

N. K. Ahkubekova

Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Email: orgotdel@gniik.ru
Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk


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