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The results of observation of 60 patients aged 35-65 years who received radon therapy in a complex of chronic cystitis treatment are presented. The inclusion of gynecological radon irrigation in the complex resulted in a decrease in the number of urination per day and urgent urges, a decrease in the time of urination, the total time of urination, an increase in the volume of urination, the maximum and average rate of urination. Gynecological irrigation with radon water can be recommended as a component of complex therapy for chronic cystitis.

About the authors

A. I Neimark

Federal state budgetary educational institute of higher education «Altai State Medical University», Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

656038, Barnaul, Russia

Alexander Sergeevich Koltakov

Federal state budgetary educational institute of higher education «Altai State Medical University», Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Email: madsanches@yandex.ru
Department of specialized surgery in urology, traumatology and ophthalmology, Federal state budgetary educational institute of higher education «Altai State Medical University», Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Barnaul. 656038, Barnaul, Russia

I. V Kablova

Federal state budgetary educational institute of higher education «Altai State Medical University», Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

656038, Barnaul, Russia


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