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The present article is concerned with the substantiation of the main principles of preventive acupuncture for the management of the secondary contracture of mimic muscles taking into consideration the results of clinical and neurophysiological investigations. We have undertaken the analysis of dynamics of clinical, psychological, and neurophysiological characteristics of the patients following a course of basal treatment and maintenance courses of reflexotherapy. It has been shown that manifestations of the pain syndrome in the patients presenting with the secondary contracture of mimic muscles are consistent with high polysynaptic reflectory excitability. It is recommended, based on the results of this study, to carry out neurophysiological monitoring (for the evaluation of the eye-closure reflex) prior to the prescription of preventive acupuncture for the patients presenting with disturbances of polysynaptic reflectory excitability with a view to obviating the development of a relapse of pain syndrome.

About the authors

Liliya Zhamilevna Mindubaeva

Kazan State Medical Academy - a branch of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education», Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

PhD, associate professor, Department of neurology, acupuncture and osteopathy, State budgetary educational institution of additional professional education Kazan State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia 420012, Kazan, Russia

R. A Jakupov

Kazan State Medical Academy - a branch of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education», Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

420012, Kazan, Russia

D. Yu Karimova

Federal state budgetary institution of postgraduate professional education «A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Centre», Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

123182, Moscow, Russia

G. M Karimova

Kazan State Medical Academy - a branch of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education», Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

420012, Kazan, Russia


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