The modern possibilities and prospects of physiotherapeutic and balneotherapeutic methods for the treatment and rehabilitation of the patients with diabetic neuropathy

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Diabetic neuropathy is the most widespread late complication of diabetes mellitus that considerably deteriorates the quality of life of the patients. The treatment of diabetic neuropathy is a difficult task requiring the multidisciplinary approach that can be adequately resolved by means of the pathogenetically substantiated combined application of the pharmacotherapeutic and drug-free modalities. The article presents the overview of the data suggesting the high effectiveness of the main physiotherapeutic and balneotherapeutic methods for the treatment and rehabilitation of the patients presenting with diabetic neuropathy as well as the prospects for their future applications.

About the authors

Larisa Aleksandrovna Marchenkova

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology”, Russian Ministry of Healthcare

Candidate med. sci., head of Department of Active Ageing, Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology”, Russian Ministry of Healthcare 121099, Moscow, Russian Federation

N. G Badalov

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology”, Russian Ministry of Healthcare

121099, Moscow, Russian Federation

M. Yu Gerasimenko

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology”, Russian Ministry of Healthcare

121099, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. Yu Martynova

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology”, Russian Ministry of Healthcare

121099, Moscow, Russian Federation


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