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Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of different methods of physical therapy including hydrokinesitherapy and therapeutic gymnastics with the use of exercises on an unstable support (stabiloplatform) was made for a group of 72 patients suffering from pain in the spine of vertebrogenic genesis who had repeatedly received standard medical therapy, physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, laser therapy), and massage therapy before the onset of the study. The effectiveness of therapy was assessed based on the VAS scale, using the Schober’s test, Tomaier test, and Ott test as well as the summary index of health status. The pain intensity estimated based on the VAS scale was significantly reduced in all the patients after the completion of the treatment. Especially good results were obtained for the group of men making exercises on the stabiloplatform and in the group of women given hydrokinesitherapy in the water pool. The results of the present study of the psychoemotional state, vertebroneurological status, and spinal pain intensity in the patients presenting with dorsopathies lead to the conclusion that men and women respond differently to the rehabilitative treatment with the use of the static and dynamic methods of physical therapy.

About the authors

O. A Bulakh

Leitons Ltd, private medical clinic

124482, Zelenograd, Russia

Elena V. Filatova

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of Russian Federation

MD, PhD, DSc, Prof., Department of medical rehabilitation, sports medicine, physiotherapy, balneology and physiotherapy, Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of Russian Federation, 121359, Moscow, Russia 121359, Moscow, Russia

E. V Polkovnikova

State budgetary healthcare institution «City Polyclinic No. 201», Department of healthcare of Moscow

124365, Zelenograd, Russia

N. M Privalova

State budgetary healthcare institution «Children’s City Polyclinic № 105», Department of healthcare of Moscow

124527, Zelenograd, Russia


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