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This article presents the current data on the scientometric analysis along with the prospects for the implementation of the evidence-based approach to the development of the strategy for physical therapy of essential hypertension. Aim. The objective of the present work was the scientometric analysis of the results of the evidence-based studies concerned with the application of the medical physical factors for the treatment of essential hypertension. Results. The results of a detailed analysis of the clinical effects and the putative mechanisms of action of evidence-based medical physical factors in the treatment of essential hypertension are presented. Much attention is given to evidence-based research of the use of dosed physical activity, remedial gymnastics, instrumental methods, and artificial medical physical factors for the treatment of the patients suffering from different clinical forms of essential hypertension. The data obtained in this study provided a basis for the development of the clinical guidelines for the evidence-based application of the medical physical factors in the treatment of hypertensive patients. Conclusion. The regular generalization and analysis of the on-going evidence-based research as well as the conduction of the new high-quality randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to evaluate the effects of natural and artificial medical physical factors on the patients presenting with essential hypertension.

About the authors

D. V Kovlen

Federal state budgetary military educational institution of higher professional education «S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy», Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

194044, Saint Petersburg, Russia

G. N Ponomarenko

Federal state budgetary institution «G.A. Albrecht Saint Petersburg Scientific and Practical Centre of Medical and Social Expertise, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation of the Disabled» Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

195067, Saint Petersburg, Russia


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