The application of EHF therapy for the combined treatment of severe poisoning with the scolding liquids

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The objective of the present study was to compare the results of the treatment and changes in the measurements of the laboratory characteristics in the patients suffering from severe poisoning with the scolding liquids under effect of the combined treatment including the application of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF therapy). The study included ten patients given a course of EHF therapy and 10 ones treated without it. The patients of the two groups developed the oppositely directed alterations in the rheological properties of blood and hemostasis including the elevation of the hemorheological viscoelastic constituent, erythrocyte and platelet aggregation, the increase in blood viscosity at a high shear velocity and, conversely, its decrease at the low and moderate shear velocities and hematocrit. Moderate leukocytosis was observed during this period along with the 3-4 rise in the concentration of lymphocytes involved in the apoptotic process and the substantial increase (1,4 - 8,1 times) in the values of parameters of endotoxicosis (the leukocytic index of intoxication and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate). The use of EHF therapy for the management of this category of the patients at the stage of their medical rehabilitation produced a modulating hemorheological effect manifested as the reduction of the elevated hemorheological characteristics, with the especially pronounced increase in the parameters below the respective normal values. In the group comprising the control patients, the undesirable changes occurred more frequently than in the previous one; specifically, deviations of the parameters of interest from their normal values were more pronounced. EHF therapy resulted in the reduction of the concentration of dead leukocytes in blood and a two-fold decrease in the amount of lymphocytes at the later stages of apoptosis whereas the concentration of the lymphocytes just entering apoptosis was elevated; this situation reflected the process of sanogenesis. In contrast, this parameter decreased in the patients of the group of comparison. The reduction in the level of endogenous intoxication under effect of EHF therapy manifested itself as a more significant decrease of leukocytic index of intoxication and erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the patients of the main group in comparison with those of the group of comparison. It is concluded that the inclusion of EHF therapy in the combined treatment of severe poisoning with the scolding liquids reduces the time of epithelization of gastrointestinal mucosa by 4.7 days on the average. Accordingly, the duration of the hospital stay can be decreased by 3.8 days.

About the authors

Amayak Vasgrenovich Badalyan

State budgetary healthcare facility “N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medical Assistance”, Moscow Health Department; State budgetary educational institution of additional professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”, Russian Ministry of Health

cand. med. sci., head of Department of Acute Intoxications 129090, Moscow, Russia

E. A Chukina

State budgetary healthcare facility “N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medical Assistance”, Moscow Health Department

129090, Moscow, Russia

Yu. S Gol’dfarb

State budgetary healthcare facility “N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medical Assistance”, Moscow Health Department; State budgetary educational institution of additional professional education “Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”, Russian Ministry of Health

129090, Moscow, Russia

V. A Shchetkin

State budgetary healthcare facility “N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medical Assistance”, Moscow Health Department

129090, Moscow, Russia

N. V Borovkova

State budgetary healthcare facility “N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medical Assistance”, Moscow Health Department

129090, Moscow, Russia

E. E Bitkova

State budgetary healthcare facility “N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medical Assistance”, Moscow Health Department

129090, Moscow, Russia

E. V Klychnikova

State budgetary healthcare facility “N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medical Assistance”, Moscow Health Department

129090, Moscow, Russia

E. V Tazina

State budgetary healthcare facility “N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medical Assistance”, Moscow Health Department

129090, Moscow, Russia

Yu. V Andreev

State budgetary healthcare facility “N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medical Assistance”, Moscow Health Department

129090, Moscow, Russia


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