The spa and health resort-based treatment of the patients presenting with metabolic disturbances and toxic hepatic lesions

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The objective of the present study was to develop the methods for the spa and health resort-based treatment of the subjects employed at the chemical industry enterprises and suffering from metabolic disturbances and toxic hepatic lesions. A total of 76 patients at the mean age of 48,8 ± 5,7 years presenting with these problems were available for the examination. The patients were given the routine spa and health resort-based treatment supplemented by the consumption of the Essentuki-type drinking mineral waters, dalargin magnetic electrophoresis applied to the abdominal region, and the use of the biologically active additives (Metabolit Plus). This treatment as found to facilitate the improvement of the clinical, biochemical, hormonal, immunological, and hemodynamic characteristics of the patients’ condition. In addition, it promoted normalization of lipid peroxidation in the patients presenting with metabolic disturbances and toxic hepatic lesions.

About the authors

N. V Efimenko


357500, Pyatigorsk, Russia

T. I Ledovskaya

FSBIPH Volgograd Medical Clinical Center of FMBA of Russia

400079, Volgograd, Russia

Agnessa S. Kaisinova


357500, Pyatigorsk, Russia

T. E Fedorova


357500, Pyatigorsk, Russia


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