The differential application of phototherapy for the treatment of psoriasis

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This review of the literature was designed to present the recent data on etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis with special reference to the methods for the treatment of this pathology. Phototherapy is known to be of primary importance for the management of the patients presenting with this condition. Modern standards of the treatment of psoriasis envisage both the traditional ultraviolet therapeutic techniques and the innovative technologies with the use of laser and high-intensity radiation sources. Information concerning the effectiveness of the treatment of psoriasis in the children is presented.

About the authors

Larisa S. Kruglova

Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology

119071, Москва

E. S Ponich

Budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysky Autonomous Okrug (Yugra) “Khanty-Mansiysky Clinical Dermatovenerological Dispensary”


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