The neuroresuscitative rehabilitation - the “conceptual chaos” (on the prospects for the systematic development of the early rehabilitative measures)

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This article deals with the currently accepted concept of the application of the physical therapeutic methods for the early activization and medical rehabilitation of the patients presenting with acute cerebral circulation disorders (ACCD) and their consequences. The authors undertook the comparative analysis of the evidence-based investigations concerned with the application of therapeutic physical factors in the framework of the programs for resuscitation and rehabilitation of the patients suffering from ACCD. It was shown that the structure and the contents of the treatment and rehabilitation programs for such patients may differ significantly in different periods. The arguments are provided in favour of differentiation between the notions of “early rehabilitation” and “neuroresuscitative rehabilitation” based on the differentiation between the “end points’ (structure and mechanisms of development of pathological processes), their applications, and the relevant regulatory documents. The prospects for the further development of earlier rehabilitation measures are discussed along with the conditions to be created for the successful work of a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation team having to do with the patients suffering from ACCD.

About the authors

Gennadiy N. Ponomarenko

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy”, Russian Ministry of defense


A. V Shchegolev

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy”, Russian Ministry of defense



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