The modern physiotherapeutic technologies for the rehabilitative treatment of the patients presenting with the disordered functions of the organ of vision

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The problems pertinent to the non-medicamental rehabilitative treatment of the patients presenting with the disordered functions of the organ of vision are discussed with special reference to the application of the modern physiotherapeutic technologies. It was shown that laser irradiation in the combination with transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the eyelids with the use of an Amplipulse-5D apparatus employed to treat myopia increases and stabilizes visual acuity which, in its turn, improves blood circulation in the retina, chorioidea, and the ciliary muscle of the eye.

About the authors

G. G Khasieva

“Yasny vzor” Clinical Association


Natal’ya B. Korchazhkina

General Management Department of the Presidential Administration

Central Medical Directorate Москва

A. K Drakon

Federal state budgetary institution “A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

Institute of Post-Graduate Professional Education Moscow

L. S Ryzhova

“Piket” Health Resort

Specialized Ophthalmological Department Kislovodsk


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