The recreational potential of the Yangan Tau health resort




Our studies have demonstrated gradual depression of the temperature regime of geothermal process in the interior of the Yangantau mountain at a rate of 0.5 - 1.0 degrees per year. This process is a result of a rare combination of geographic, climatic, and geochemical conditions giving rise to a thermodynamic system in the form of a natural reactor. This system is characterized by highly effective thermolysis of the organic mass contained in bituminiferous shales with the production of the thermal gas-vapour mixture that serves as the main therapeutic factor utilized at the Yangan-Tau health resort. However, the limited resources of bituminiferous shales in the interior of the Yangantau mountain tend to be exhausted. Therefore, they need to be replenished with the products of bituminiferous shale thermolysis from other locations if the geothermal process in the interior of the Yangantau mountain to be prolonged.


Ishtimer Khuramshin

State budgetary institution “Bashkir Research Centre for Apiculture and Apitherapy”

ul. R. Zorge, 9/3, Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan, 4500059


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