The estimation of the influence of the complex of physiotherapeutic rehabilitative factors on the clinical course of the postoperative period following hysterectomy in the women presenting with uterine myoma

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We studied manifestations of postoperative pain in the patients who had undergone hysterectomy performed by laparotomy. The intensity of pain was evaluated from the results of subjective self-assessment with the use of the visual analog scale (VAS) and the 4-score verbal rating scale (VRS) . The treatment included laserotherapy of the thymus and pantovegin electrophoresis of the wound region or the combination of the two modalities. The combination of infrared laser irradiation of the thymic region and pantovegin electrophoresis proved to be the most effective method for the alleviation of postoperative pain. It contributed to both reduced intensity of pain sensations and their rapid disappearance. The author recommends to apply the combined method for the treatment of postoperative pain in the gynecological patients.

About the authors

Madina Z. Dugieva

Federal state budgetary educational institution State Research Centre “A.I. Burnazyan Federal State Medical Biophysical Centre”

Moscow, Russia


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