The role of combined physiotherapy in the treatment of the persistent forms of Chlamydial prostatitis complicated by erectile dysfunction

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The present study included 52 patients at the mean age of 37.5 years presenting with chronic prostatitis (CP) associated with Chlamydia trachomatis infection. It has demonstrated the effectiveness of the method based on the combination of systemic and local antibacterial and physiotherapeutic treatment with the administration of proteolytic enzymes into the prostatic gland region with the use of the AMUS-01 - “INTRAMAG” instrumental complex. The participants of the study had the history of erectile dysfunction (ED). It necessitated the application of local negative pressure (LNP) therapy with the use the “AIR-U plus” apparatus in addition to local physiotherapy. The immune status of the patients treated in accordance with the described protocol was evaluated based on the expression of the cytokine-encoding genes influencing the populations of T-lymphocytes and phagocytes. The serum interleukin levels were determined by means of the solid-phase immunoenzymatic assay with the use of the commercial kits manufactured by “Tsitokin” Ltd. (Sankt-Peterburg). The data thus obtained were compared with the results of the analogous measurement in the group of healthy volunteers (n = 10). The control subjects received the combined treatment including the medicamental correction of microcirculation and inflammation making use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, enzymatic preparations, immunomodulators, and herbal medicines for the stimulation of the penile blood flow. This treatment was supplemented by conventional physiotherapy in the form of low-intensity infrared laser irradiation of the perineal region. The duration of a single course of combined treatment was 15 days. The proposed strategy for the systemic and local antibacterial treatment in combination with physiotherapy and the use of the AMUS-01“INTRAMAG” instrumental complex permitted to increase the effectiveness of eradication of Chlamydia by 18,3%. Local negative pressure therapy initiated after each session of the instrumental treatment made it possible to additionally improve the immunological characteristics of the patients as well as the results of laboratory studies of the secretion, the volume of the prostatic gland, the erectile function and the quality of life of the patients by a factor of 2.8 in comparison with 1.6 in the control group.

About the authors

Sergey Rudol'fovich Uts

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health

410054, Саратов, ул. Хользунова, 10

O. R Ziganshin

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy”

Yu. M Raigorodsky

“Trima” Ltd


E. S Sultanakhmedov

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health

410054, Саратов, ул. Хользунова, 10


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