The combined rehabilitative treatment of the patients suffering from the consequences of acute disturbances to cerebral circulation

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The application of the pathogenetically substantiated rehabilitative programs permits to reduce the severity of focal neurological symptoms and the degree of cognitive disorders, improve cerebral hemodynamics as well as tonic and strength characteristics of the paretic muscles. Moreover, such approach to the rehabilitation including the application of nicotinic acid electrophoresis exerts the positive influence on the rheological parameters of blood and lipid peroxidation; these effects promote prevention of repeated stroke. The socio-economic effectiveness of the use of combined rehabilitative technologies during the period of possible manifestations of the consequences of acute disturbances to cerebral circulation is apparent as the enhancement of the everyday activity of the patients and the approximation of their quality of life to the pre-stroke level.

About the authors

Natal'ya Fedorovna Miryutova

Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, Tomsk, Russia 634009

I. M Samoilova

Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, Tomsk, Russia 634009

L. V Barabash

Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, Tomsk, Russia 634009

A. A Zaitsev

Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, Tomsk, Russia 634009

N. G Abdulkina

Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, Tomsk, Russia 634009

V. I Guseva

Federal state budgetary institution “Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, Tomsk, Russia 634009


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