Transcerebral UHF therapy of uterine myoma during the early postoperative period: a randomized controlled study

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We have proposed the scientifically sound substantiation of the therapeutic effectiveness of transcerebral ultrahigh frequency (UHF) treatment following conservative myomectomy. It was shown that this therapeutic modality significantly accelerates regression of the clinical manifestations of this pathology and exerts the well apparent hormone-corrective and psychostimulating action. Moreover, it causes a marked improvement of the psychophysical status of the patients.

About the authors

Anna K. Lyuban

State budgetary health facility “Sankt-Peterburg Mariinskaya City Hospital”


G. N Ponomarenko

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “C.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy”


N. N Volkov

State budgetary health facility “Sankt-Peterburg Mariinskaya City Hospital”


U. A Tikhovskaya

State budgetary health facility “Sankt-Peterburg Mariinskaya City Hospital”


A. V Ivanov

State budgetary health facility “Sankt-Peterburg Mariinskaya City Hospital”


E. A Boikova

State budgetary health facility “Sankt-Peterburg Mariinskaya City Hospital”



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