The influence of the factors associated with health resorts on the hormonal regulation of the metabolic reactions in the patients given the surgical treatment for thyroid cancer

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The present study was designed to analyse hormonal and metabolic changes in the patients given the surgical treatment for thyroid cancer during the rehabilitative period. The experience with the correction of the hormonal regulation of the metabolic reactions gained in the course of the spa and health resort-based treatment is reported with special reference to the application of mineral waters of the different physicochemical composition as the predominant therapeutic factor. It is shown that the resection of the thyroid gland leads to substantial changes in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism related in the first place to the altered insulin secretion. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of rehabilitation of the patients given the surgical treatment for thyroid cancer under the conditions of the North Caucasian spa and health resort facilities. Especially good results were obtained with the use of Essentuki No 4 and Donat magniy mineral waters. It is believed that the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic action of these mineral waters are mediated through the reduction of the severity of insulin resistance syndrome.

About the authors

Violetta A. Rodionova

State budgetary health facility “Samara Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary”


V. K Frolkov

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy”, Russian Ministry of Health

121099, Москва

M. Yu Gerasimenko

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy”, Russian Ministry of Health

121099, Москва


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