The transcapillary brain metabolism in the patients presenting with the injury to the mid-facial skeleton

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The present paper reports the result of the investigation into the state of the transcapillary brain metabolism in 110 patients presenting with the injury to the mid-facial skeleton, It was shown that all these patients suffered the impairment of transcapillary brain metabolism before the onset of the treatment that is in all probability characteristic of the pathology in question and provides a basis for the development of organic and psychological complications. The traditional combined treatment of the patients comprising the second group was supplemented by the local and general magnetic therapy as well as multi-channel electrical stimulation. Only these patients responded to the treatment by the improvement of the transcapillary brain metabolism and general clinical conditions. The statistical analysis of the data obtained allowed to make the short-term positive prognosis for index F (up to 14 months).

About the authors

K. S Larionov

State budgetary healthcare institution of Moscow region “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

ul. Shchepkina 62/1, Moscow, Russia 129110

V. A Stuchilov

State budgetary healthcare institution of Moscow region “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

ul. Shchepkina 62/1, Moscow, Russia 129110

M. Yu Gerasimenko

State budgetary healthcare institution of Moscow region “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

ul. Shchepkina 62/1, Moscow, Russia 129110

A. A Nikitin

State budgetary healthcare institution of Moscow region “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

ul. Shchepkina 62/1, Moscow, Russia 129110

V. Yu Kokarev

State budgetary healthcare institution of Moscow region “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

ul. Shchepkina 62/1, Moscow, Russia 129110

Nina N. Lazarenko

State budgetary healthcare institution of Moscow region “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

ul. Shchepkina 62/1, Moscow, Russia 129110


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