The use of the natural and physical factors for the correction of metabolic processes in the patients presenting with metabolic syndrome

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The poor effectiveness of pharmacotherapy of metabolic syndrome dictates the necessity of development of a new method for the treatment of this disease; the most promising approach to achieving this goal appears to be the performance of special physical exercises. We undertook the study of the influence of physical loading with the use of a cardiovascular machine, pneumatic exercise equipment, and aqua-aerobic exercises in combination with the intake of mineral water. The outcome of the treatment was evaluated based on dynamics of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, insulin and cortisol secretion, parameters of arterial pressure and body mass index. It was shown that physical exercises promoted regression of the manifestations of metabolic syndrome, the aqua-aerobic exercises being the most efficacious tool leading to the desired goal. The consumption of mineral water proved to enhance therapeutic effects of physical exercises. It was confirmed that the therapeutic effect of the combined treatment is realized via both the decrease in the activity of pathogenetic reactions associated with metabolic syndrome and the activation of sanogenic processes.

About the authors

Valeriy Konstantinovich Frolkov

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapeutics”, Russian Ministry of Health

121069, Москва

Olga Vasil'evna Mikhailyuk

Federal state government facility F.E. Dzerzhinsky Central Clinical Health Resort, Federal Russian Security Service

354010, Sochi


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