Intravenous laser irradiation of blood in the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection of the urogenital tract in sexually active women

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The number of sexually active women with inflammation of small pelvis organs having markers of cytomegalovirus infection in urogenital scrapes have increased which requires the development of efficacious methods for the treatment of this pathology. The objective of the present work was to improve effectiveness of therapy of such patients. The study included 25 women with “reactivated” form of cytomegalovirus infection of the urogenital tract. They were given combined treatment with intravenous laser irradiation, panavir and antibiotic therapy. High efficacy of this treatment resulted in beneficial effect in 92% of the patients (elimination of clinical symptoms and transformation of infection into the persisting form).

About the authors

N. I Chernova

A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State Medical Stomatological University


Yu. N Perlamutrov

A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State Medical Stomatological University

K. B Ol’khovskaya

A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State Medical Stomatological University

S. V Moskvin

State Research Centre of Laser Medicine


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