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Infitatherapy is an efficacious method of bioresonance therapy based on the application of a pulsed low-frequency electromagnetic field (PLFEMF) for the treatment of a broad range of pathological conditions. The therapeutic effect of the magnetic field is realized through the optico-thalamo-hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal system by the correction of its functional state and the bioelectrical activity of the brain. Simultaneously, the treatment has the beneficial action on hemodynamics and microcirculation, exerts the regulatory influence on the characteristics of immunity and hormonal-dependent processes. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are achieved in the case of the local application of the electrodes due to sensory inhibition and breaking the vicious circle of pain-inflammation-pain. Moreover, the proposed method has defibrosing effect. Due to the weak non-thermal action of PLFEMF and the availability of the portable equipment (along with the stationary one) for infitatherepy, it can be used for the bedside treatment and is suitable for the application in an intensive care unit.

About the authors

G. S Markarov

Federal state budgetary facility “Clinical Hospital No 1”, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

зав. отд-нием физиотерапии и ЛФК, канд. мед. наук Moscow


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