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The results of the present study have demonstrated the efficacy of electrophoresis of a 2% procaine solution for the prevention of premature ageing. The electrophoresis was applied to the collar region by the generally accepted method. It was supplemented by galvanization as described by Shcherbak and subcutaneous administration of the 2% procaine solution at several points in the collar region. Control patients were given only subcutaneous injections of the physiological solution. The analysis of the results of the treatment showed significant advantages of the electrophoresis of the 2% procaine solution in terms of improvement of hemodynamic characteristics, correction of astheno-neurotic disturbances, and general well-being of the patients. Taken together, these observations suggest the reduction of biological age and retardation of premature ageing.

About the authors

E. A Turova

Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development

зам. директора по науке профессор, д-р мед. наук Moscow

E. I Balaban

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”

аспирант Moscow

N. I Fadeeva

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”

врач-эндокринолог канд. мед. наук Moscow

A. V Golovach

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”

ст. науч. сотр. отд. восстановительной эндокринологии, канд. мед. наук Moscow

E. A Tenyaeva

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapeutics”

ст. науч. сотр. отд. восстановительной эндокринологии, канд. мед. наук Moscow


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