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The objective of the present study was to estimate the efficacy of ozonotherapy in 84 patients at the age from 18 to 66 years during the progressive phase of vulgar diffuse psoriasis. The patients of the main group (n = 42) were treated by intravenous administration of an ozonated physiological solution and followed up for the elucidation of dynamics of the clinical course of the disease, peculiarities of the process of phagocytosis, characteristics of cellular immunity, and serum concentrations of circulating immune complexes, medium-molecular weight peptides, seromucoid, and C-reactive protein. The psoriatic patients were found to exhibit the enhanced devouring and killing activities of neutrophils, disbalance in the T-cell immunity system, endotoxicosis, immunocomplex syndrome, and elevated levels of acute phase proteins. Ozonotherapy resulted in a more favourable clinical picture of psoriasis, improved the patients’ quality of life, normalized the T-lymphocyte subpopulation ratio, reduced the levels of circulating immune complexes, medium-molecular weight peptides, and acute phase proteins.

About the authors

V. V Baityakov

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education ’’Mordovian State Medical University”

доц. курса кожных и венерических болезней мед. института Мордовского государственного университета им. Н. П. Огарева, канд. мед. наук

N. V Kungurov

Federal state budgetary institution “Ural Research Institute of Dermatovenerology and Immunopathology”, Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development

д-р мед. наук, проф., дир. НИИДиИ

N. N Filimonkova

Federal state budgetary institution “Ural Research Institute of Dermatovenerology and Immunopathology”, Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development

вед. науч. сотр. НИИДиИ, д-р мед. наук.


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