Endogenous intoxication as a manifestation of dysadaptation in high-class athletes

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The objective of the present study was to estimate the informative value of various methods of laboratory diagnostics of endogenous intoxication (EI) developing as a result of physical loads experienced by the athletes. It included 34 high-class athletes (17 men and 17 women), members of the national academic rowing team (holders of candidate and maser of sports). Physical loads in different periods of the annual training cycle (including basic training, precompetitive, competitive, and recovery stages) were compared with the blood levels of middle molecular weight proteins (MMWP) (biochemical markers of endogenous intoxication) in the respective time intervals. The comparison revealed a strong stress-related impact on the functional capacity of the organs responsible for natural detoxication under effect of enhanced anaerobic loading and special muscle-strengthening and speed exercises . It is concluded that determination of the plasma level of middle molecular weight molecules has the highest informative value among other methods for the estimation of the severity of endogenous intoxication based on biochemical characteristics. Weak and variable expression of cytokines in blood samples taken during competitive and recovery period of the annual training cycle in conjunction with the absence of appreciable dynamics of their plasma levels makes impossible their use as biochemical markers of endogenous intoxication in professional athletes.

About the authors

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Statsenko

НИИ физической культуры и спорта Республики Беларусь, Минск

Email: eugene101@tut.by
науч. сотр. лаб. фармакологии и питания в спорте, канд. мед. наук; НИИ физической культуры и спорта Республики Беларусь, Минск

E A Statsenko

Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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