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The present study was designed to estimate the results of the physiotherapeutic treatment of the patients presenting with chronic venous insufficiency and knee joint osteoarthrosis. The patients underwent low-intensity laser irradiation using a Shuttle-Combi apparatus and low-frequency magnetic therapy with the use of a Polus-101 apparatus. It was shown that the treatment resulted in the reduction of the Leken index. The number of patients suffering night-time pain during motion and at rest decreased from 14 to 7 and from 8 to 3 respectively. The severity of pain (estimated based on the visual analog scale) also decreased. The calf circumference at the level of the ankle joint was reduced. It is concluded that the proposed physiotherapeutic treatment results in the significant improvement of the clinical conditions of the patients presenting with chronic venous insufficiency and knee joint osteoarthrosis.

About the authors

E. A Shcheglov

Emergency Medicine Hospital

сердечно-сосудистый хирург, канд. мед. наук Petrozavodsk

O. F Naumova

Emergency Medicine Hospital

зав. физиотерапевтическим отд-нием. Petrozavodsk


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