Pathological locomotor synergies after stroke and their correction under the influence of training with the use of the Lokomat robotic system

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Acute disturbances of cerebral blood circulation are known to be a major cause of the long-standing loss of working capacity and the disablement in the affected patients. Over 50% of the subjects who survived acute disturbances of cerebral blood circulation suffer locomotor dysfunction of different severity. Both acute and subacute periods of cerebral stroke resulting in locomotor dysfunction are characterized by rapid development of pathological synergies known as the Wernicke-Mann posture and marked deterioration of gait quality. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of a course of gait training with the use of the robotic Lokomat system on the severity of pathological synergies in 37 patients during the post-stroke period. Clinical and biomechanical parameters of the walking gait were estimated based on the formal scales and systems for videoanalysis of the movements. It was shown that walking training with the use of the Lokomat system makes it possible to reduce the severity of pathological locomotor synergies and improve functional mobility of the patients.

About the authors

Anton Sergeevich Klochkov

Научный центр неврологии РАМН, Москва

врач-невролог, аспирант отд-ния нейрореабилитации и физиотерапии НЦН РАМН. 125367, т. +7(495) 490-20-10; Научный центр неврологии РАМН, Москва

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Chernikova

Научный центр неврологии РАМН, Москва

зав. отд-нием нейрореабилитации и физиотерапии НЦН РАМН, д-р мед. наук, проф; Научный центр неврологии РАМН, Москва

A S Klochkov

Neurological Research Centre, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Neurological Research Centre, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

L A Chernikova

Neurological Research Centre, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Neurological Research Centre, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow


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