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The present study included the children aged between 2 and 7 years with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy and hemiparesis. Thirty two patients of the main group were given rehabilitative treatment in the form of microcurrent reflexotherapy in combination with conventional treatments, such as pharmacotherapy, massage, remedial gymnastics. Thirty two patients of the control group were given only conventional treatments. The conditions of all the 64 patients improved; specifically, their spastic muscular tone decreased whereas the volume of active and passive movements of the extremities increased. The progress in manipulative activity of the upper extremities under the action of microcurrent reflexotherapy was 1,7 times more pronounced than in the control patients. Twenty (62%) patients of the main group acquired new motor skills (hand opening, keeping the objects in hands, forearm supination) compared with 12 (37%) patients of the control group. The follow-up studies during 6 months showed that the improvement achieved with the use of microcurrent reflexotherapy persisted in all the patients of the main group and only in 6 (32%) patients of the control group.

About the authors

T. A Ukhanova

Closed joint-stock company “Samara Reatsentr Therapeutic Complex”, Samara; Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapeutics”, Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development

вед. невролог СТК «Реацентр», канд. мед. наук

F. E Gorbunov

Closed joint-stock company “Samara Reatsentr Therapeutic Complex”, Samara; Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapeutics”, Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development

гл. науч. сотр. отд. восстановит. неврологии РНЦМРиК, д-р мед. наук, проф.


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