Cryotherapy and liquid synbiotics for the non-medicamental treatment of the patients presenting with irritated bowel syndrome

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Abdominal cryotherapy is known to have positive effect on the patients with irritated bowel syndrome by virtue of alleviation of abdominal pain, optimization of vegetative regulation (decrease of the coefficient of vagosympathic balance), improvement of the state of the psychoemotional sphere, reduction of hypochondriac fixation and depressive disorders. Inclusion of liquid synbiotics in the therapeutic regime enhances the above effects of cryotherapy and further decreases clinical manifestations of the disease due to normalization of various components of intestinal microbiocenosis.

About the authors

Elena Viktorovna Gusakova

ФГУ Российский научный центр восстановительной медицины и курортологии Минздравсоцразвития России, Москва

зам. гл. врача по мед. части и клинико-экспертной работе реабилит. комплекса, д-р мед. наук, тел. 8(495)598-83-42; ФГУ Российский научный центр восстановительной медицины и курортологии Минздравсоцразвития России, Москва

Yuliya Ivanovna Faustova

ФГУ Российский научный центр восстановительной медицины и курортологии Минздравсоцразвития России, Москва

аспирант РНЦВМиК; ФГУ Российский научный центр восстановительной медицины и курортологии Минздравсоцразвития России, Москва

Natal'ya Borisovna Luferova

ФГУ Российский научный центр восстановительной медицины и курортологии Минздравсоцразвития России, Москва

врач-физиотерапевт высшей категории, зав. отд-нием бальнеотерапии реабилит. комплекса; ФГУ Российский научный центр восстановительной медицины и курортологии Минздравсоцразвития России, Москва

E V Gusakova

Federal state institution "Russian Research Centre for Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapy", Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, Moscow

Federal state institution "Russian Research Centre for Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapy", Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, Moscow

Yu I Faustova

Federal state institution "Russian Research Centre for Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapy", Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, Moscow

Federal state institution "Russian Research Centre for Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapy", Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, Moscow

N B Luferova

Federal state institution "Russian Research Centre for Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapy", Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, Moscow

Federal state institution "Russian Research Centre for Rehabilitative Medicine and Balneotherapy", Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, Moscow


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