Peculiarities of barocorrection in patients with radicular syndrome associated with cervical intervertebral disk herniation

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The objective of the present study was to evaluate effects of local barotherapy on dynamics of neural and neurovascular disturbances in patients with cervical compressive radicular syndromes. Patients with the same problems receiving medicamentous therapy comprised the control group. It was shown that inclusion of barotherapy in the combined treatment of patients with cervical vertebrogenic compressive radiculopathies allows the efficiency of their management to be enhanced due to improvement of the functional state of the peripheral neuromotor apparatus and correction of neurovascular disorders in the extremities.

About the authors

N N Zinyakov

ГУЗ Областная больница № 2, Ростов-на-Дону

врач-невролог, мануальный терапевт, канд. мед. наук; ГУЗ Областная больница № 2, Ростов-на-Дону


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