Non-invasive hemolaserotherapy for patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis

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The possibility of non-invasive laser irradiation of the blood in the vasculature of the tympanic membrane was proved based on the foundational principles of evidence-based medicine taking into account physical and biophysical characteristics of low-intensity infrared laser radiation. Various aspects of its mechanism of action were elucidated, clinical efficiency evaluated, indications and contraindications for the use of the method in question are described. The data obtained indicate that non-invasive laser irradiation of the blood possesses immunomodulating potency, decreases intensity of the inflammatory process, manifestations of dysfunction of the immune system and severity of autoimmune aggression. Simultaneously, it potentiates the action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and cytostatics, neutralizes some of their adverse effects, and reduces to the minimum the risk of development of severe complications. The method is contraindicated to the patients treated with tableted glucocorticoid preparations. At the same time, it can be used to rapidly and effectively eliminate side effects of hormonal therapy and prevent the development of its complications. On the whole, the study showed that the method of non-invasive hemolaserotherapy possess all the positive properties of intravenous laser irradiation of the blood; it can be recommended as a simple and readily accessible physiotherapeutic modality for the treatment of patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis.

About the authors

Vladimir Dmitrievich Sidorov

ФГУ РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии Росздрава, Москва

рук. отд. восстановительной ревматологии, травматологии и коррекции локомоторных дисфункций, д-р мед. наук, проф., тел. 8(495)169-37-25; ФГУ РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии Росздрава, Москва

Sergey Borisovich Pershin

ФГУ РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии Росздрава, Москва

рук. отд. восстановительной иммунологии, д-р мед. наук, проф., тел. 8(495)691-41-82; ФГУ РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии Росздрава, Москва

V D Sidorov

S B Pershin


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