Improved PUFAtherapy of patients presenting with psoriasis

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A total of 102 patients presenting with different clinical forms of psoriasis (vulguar, exudative, arthtopathic, and erythrodermic) were treated either by a traditional method or with the help of an improved PUFA therapy with the use of Lacto-FLORA. This preparation was prescribed at a dose of 5 ml in 200 ml of a 0.9% isotonic sodium chloride solution to be injected intravenously every day for 10 days regardless of the time of PUFA-procedures. It is concluded that the use of the described treatment increases clinical efficiency of therapy, decreases the number of PUFa-procedures, and lowers the frequency of adverse events compared with traditional therapeutic modalities.

About the authors

Saidnairkhon Farkhadovich Alyavi

Республиканская кожно-венерологическая клиническая больница Министерства здравоохранения Республики Узбекистан

зам. гл. врача, канд. мед. наук; Республиканская кожно-венерологическая клиническая больница Министерства здравоохранения Республики Узбекистан

S F Alyavi


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