
Increasing the Efficiency of Forming Coatings on the Working Rotor Blades of Steam Turbines1
Gorbachev A., Belyakov A., Fokin A., Malakhov E.
Increasing the Reliability and Extending the Service Lifetime of the Rotors of Double-Flow Medium-Pressure Cylinders of High-Power Steam Turbines
Zaitsev I., Khomenok L., Lyapunov V., Gorin A.
Fatigue Strength of the Low-Pressure Rotors of Steam Turbines
Deomidova Y., Zile A., Taradai D., Tomashevskii S.
Remaining Service Life Assessment of the Effect of Existing Defects on Turbine Rotors
Abushik G., Gavrilov S., Georgievskaya E., Levchenko A.
Contemporary Methods for Restoring Steam Turbine Blades
Lebedeva A., Nasteka D.
Features of Vibration Adjustment of T-185/210-16.2 Turbogenerator
Shklyarov M., Lebed’ko N., Ryzhkov A., Nasredinov V., Rochev N., Mironov A.
Development and Evaluation of a Method of Reducing Erosion Wear of Impellers
Gavrilov I., Tishchenko V., Popov V.
Operational Capability of an Electric Pump Unit with New and Worn Rotor Wheels
Ovchinnikov N.
Restoration of Steam Turbine Last Stage Rotor Blades by Laser Surfacing
Nasteka D., Grachev O., Silevich V., Lebedeva A.
Acoustical Monitoring of the Stress-Strain State of Welded Connections of a Rotor Frame During Upgrade of the Hydroelectric Unit of the Nizhnekamsk Hydroelectric Power Station
Rudenko A., Mishakin V., Kurashkin K., Gonchar A.
Frequency Characteristics and Forced Vibrations of the Rotors of High-Power Feeder Pumps of Thermal Electric Power Stations
Vasil’ev V., Nitskii A.
Barring of Turbine-Driven Feed Pumps at TPPS
Vasil’ev V., Sirotkin V., Erpalov A.
Detection of Interturn Short-Circuits in the Rotor Winding of a Hydrogenerator
Verkhovtsev D., Gulai S.
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