
Calculation Methodology for Defining the Filtration Coefficient of a Rock Mass with Loose Crack Filler
Chernyshev S., Zommer T., Lavrusevich A.
A Method for Determining the Hydraulic Conductivity of Rock Mass with Fractures of Limited Length
Chernyshev S., Zommer T., Zommer V.
Current State of the Rock Massif in the Bed of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP
Savich A., Basova A., Gorokhova E., Il’in M.
Instrument-Aided Assessment of the Effect of Natural and Technogenic Factors on the Geomechanical State of a Massif Enclosing an HPP Turbine Room
Abramov N., Epimakhov Y.
In situ Geomonitoring of the Rock Slopes of Tailraces
Abramov N., Kabeev E.
Assessment of the Change in Elastic Properties of the Rock Mass at Various Water Levels in the Inguri HPP Reservoir
Gorokhova E.
Thermal Cryogenic Regime of the Hydrosystem of Vilyui Hydroelectric Power Plants-1, 2: Geocryologic Monitoring
Zhang R., Vilikin S., Shesternev D.
Strength and Deformability of Brittle Polycrystalline Materials in Triaxial Stress-State State
Gaziev É.
Statistical Analysis for Determining Rock Bed Seepage Nonuniformity at Hydraulic Installations, Using the Example of the Boguchanskaya Dam
Chernyshev S., Zommer T., Lavrusevich A.
Variation in the Seepage Uplift Pressure on a Concrete Gravity Dam Upon Opening of the Joint and Decompaction of the Rock Foundation
Tolstikov V.
Soil Loosening of the Contact Zone Under the First Column of Tall Concrete Dams
Durcheva V., Puchkova S.
Modern Approach to Solving Problems of Strengthening the Rock Slopes of Hydraulic Structures
Abramov N., Melikhov M., Kabeev E.
Geodynamic Research Centre Activities During Construction of the Boguchanskaya HPP
Zamakhaev A., Il’in M., Rechitskii V., Vavilova V., Kozlov O., Grobov P.
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