
Field Observations of the Settlements and Displacements of the Nurek Dam
Rasskazov L., Yadgorov E.
TCSR Features Ensuring the Prevention of Voltage Resonance During Power Transmission Line Single Phase Auto-Reclosing
Matinyan A., Peshkov M., Karpov V., Alekseev N.
Effect of Engagement in Power and Frequency Control on the Service Life of Steam-Turbine Power Units
Aminov R., Garievskii M.
Filtration, Pore Pressure, and Settling From Consolidation of an Ultra-High Dam
Aniskin N., Rasskazov L., Yadgorov E.
Method of Obtaining the Hodograph of an Asynchronous Mode with Given Characteristics for Testing the Operation of a Distance Relay
Glazyrin V., Litvinov I., Osintsev A., Frolova E.
Problems of Manufacture and Operation of First-Stage Blades and Vanes of Gas Turbines
Kazanskii D.
Analysis of the Phase Transition Zone Location in the Flow Section of the PGU-450T Steam Turbine During Various Modes of Operation
Lebedeva A., Berezinets P., Tkhabisimov A.
Technical Condition of Earthen Dams at Nizhegorodskaya HPP After 60 Years of Operation
Kuznetsov V., Ladenko S.
Verification of Distance Relay of Relay Protection and Emergency Control Automation Equipment in Asynchronous Mode by Standard Devices of the RETOM Test Complex
Glazyrin V., Osintsev A., Litvinov I., Frolova E.
Analysis of the Specifics of Selecting Relay Protection and Automatic (RPA) Equipment in Distributed Networks with Auxiliary Low-Power Generating Facilities
Ilyushin P.
St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier System: First Years of Operation
Kosterin N., Shchekachikhin V.
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