
Restoration of Steam Turbine Last Stage Rotor Blades by Laser Surfacing
Nasteka D., Grachev O., Silevich V., Lebedeva A.
Corrosive Wear of Gate and Valve Metal Structures at Navigation Locks and Assessment of Their Remaining Lifetime
Kuz’mitskii M., Ksenofontov N.
Causes of Erosion-Induced Damage to Elements of Low-Pressure Evaporator Circuits of the Heat-Recovery Boilers of Combined-Cycle Power Plants
Belyakov I., Breus V., Popov M.
Accumulation of Corrosion-Fatigue Damage by Hydro Turbine Equipment Elements
Domozhirov L.
Remaining Service Life Assessment of the Effect of Existing Defects on Turbine Rotors
Abushik G., Gavrilov S., Georgievskaya E., Levchenko A.
Use of Location Probing to Detect Damage to the Wires of High-Voltage Electric Transmission Lines
Minullin R.
Studying the Dependence of the Life of Convection Superheaters of the Number of Damaged Coils
Bogachev V., Pshechenkova T.
Contemporary Methods for Restoring Steam Turbine Blades
Lebedeva A., Nasteka D.
Increasing the Reliability of Steam-Jet Ejectors in Power Plant Turbines1
Ryabchikov A., Aronson K., Brodov Y., Murmanskii B., Murmanskii I., Zhelonkin N., Khaet S.
Analysis of the Hydraulic Regimes of Vertical Waste-Heat Boilers of Combined-Cycle Gas-Turbine Units
Belyakov I., Breus V., Popov M.
Problems of Manufacture and Operation of First-Stage Blades and Vanes of Gas Turbines
Kazanskii D.
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