
Numerical Modeling Study of the Operation of a Dynamic Dust Separator
Titov D., Grigor’ev K., Klepikov N., Paramonov A., Shtegman A.
Effect of the Fineness of Pulverized Coal on the Slagging and Fouling Properties of Fly Ash1
Alekhnovich A., Chernetskiy M., Bogomolov V.
Properties and Pulverized Coal Combustion of Low-Reactivity Fuels. Part II. Furnace and Burner Equipment1
Alekhnovich A.
Properties and Pulverized Coal Combustion of Low-Reactivity Fuels. Part I. Fuel Properties and Preparation for Combustion
Alekhnovich A.
Effect of the Ash Content on the Slagging Properties of Coals and the Slagging of Pulverized Coal-Fired Boilers
Alekhnovich A., Artem’eva N.
Primorskaya Thermal Power Plant: Construction of Modern Pulverized Coal-Fired Boilers
Kvrivishvili A., Samokhin S., Morozova T., Gruznov A., Tsepenok A., Serant F., Belorutskii I., Lavrinenko A.
Study of Power Steel Corrosion During Coal Gasification1
Suchkov S., Ivanova I.
Fabrication of Fine Dust Using a Mill with a Dynamic Separator
Shtegman A., Ryzhii I., Belyaev A., Sosin D., Fomenko E.
Experience with Burning of Grade D Coal from the Reserve of JSC “Shubarkol’ Komir” in Boilers of the 225-MW Units at the Cherepetskaya Thermal Power Plant
Sosin D., Shtegman A.
Development and Study of the Start-Up Sequence for E-240-13.8-560 Solid-Fuel-Fired Boiler by the Zio Company
Pleshanov K., Sterkhov K., Knyaz’kov V., Kvrivishvili A.
Use of 3BR Grade Coal in BKZ-160-1,4-5 Boilers with Mill-Fans and Gas Drying
Greben’kov P., Kozlov S., Vykhristyuk M., Hudyakov I., Kontsevoi A.
Improving the Efficiency of Coal-Gasification Combined-Cycle Power Plants by Using Natural Chemisorbent for High-Temperature Desulfurization of the Producer Gas
Strokov A., Epikhin A., Timashkov K., Krylov I.
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