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Vol 52, No 1 (2018)

Hydrotechnical Construction

Construction of the Zaramag HPPs in 2009 to 2012

Kasatkin N.V., Konikh G.S., Loginova M.A., Lishankov I.V.


Abnormal/beyond-design situations during the construction of the Zaramag HPPs in 2009 to 2012 and engineering solutions that helped to overcome them are described.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):1-4
pages 1-4 views


Shavan Timber Weir in the White Sea-Baltic Canal

Volkov V.I., Serov A.P., Shishkina E.A., Abramov V.F., Konstantinov M.V., Esinovskii V.A., Medvedkina I.R., Murav’ev A.V.


The maintenance and emergency repairs of the Shavan TimberWeir in the White Sea-Baltic Canal performed in 2016 – 2017 are described.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Assessment of the Change in Elastic Properties of the Rock Mass at Various Water Levels in the Inguri HPP Reservoir

Gorokhova E.A.


The results of measuring elastic wave velocities in the rock mass of the base of the Inguri HPP dam at minimum and maximum upper pool levels (UPLs) are presented. A substantial difference in the change in longitudinal and transverse wave velocities during a rise of the UPL in the right- and left-bank abutments both in horizontal and vertical sections is established.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):9-14
pages 9-14 views

Engineering Method for Calculating the Parameters of an Annular Jet with a Vacuum Air Cavity Beneath It

Glazov A.I.


In designing mine spillways without a profiled water drain surface that operates in the absence of contact of the water jet with the concrete within a funnel and transitional section, the problem arises of calculating the trajectory of an annular jet, taking into account the vacuum in the space under the jet. A hydraulic method for such calculation using a virtual jet is described. Calculated dependences are given. The results of calculations are compared to test results, confirming the operability of the proposed method.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):15-22
pages 15-22 views

Deformation and Noneroding Velocities in Channels Composed of Inequigranular Soils

Khodzinskaya A.G.


The noneroding velocities in channels composed of inequigranular soils that are determined with consideration of the formation of a natural channel bed armor layer are overstated in the construction codes and regulations (SNiP-06.03.85). It is suggested to use in calculations the noneroding velocities determined with the formation of natural armoring and to calculate the depth of scouring and diameter of armor by the method proposed herein or A. V. Magomedova’s method. This article examines deformations of a model canal channel in inequigranular, noncohesive, rather coarse-grained soils with an average particle diameter greater than 0.55 mm, in which the formation of natural armor is possible at velocities insignificantly exceeding the noneroding. A calculation scheme is proposed. It is suggested to consider channel scour normal to the slopes. It is suggested to estimate the time of deformations with the use of the probabilistic formula based on K. I. Rossinksii’s model for bedload discharge. To determine the diameter of the natural armor and scour depth, a calculation method is proposed which gives values close to those obtained in experiments.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):23-29
pages 23-29 views

Monitoring the Technical State of the Underwater Section of Hydraulic and Traffic Structures by Means of Hydroacoustic Instruments

Voloshchenko A.P., Pivnev P.P., Soldatov G.V., Tarasov S.P.


Results of a survey of the technical state of the underwater sections of two bridges and a reservoir are presented. The techniques used to perform the studies are briefly described. The basic parameters of the equipment used — side-scan sonar and parametric profilograph — are presented. The advantages gained with the use of acoustic instruments in monitoring the technical state of hydraulic and traffic structures are demonstrated.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Limitations on the Rate of Impoundment and Drawdown of a Concrete Dam Reservoir (Example of the Arch-Gravity Dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP)

Vul’fovich N.A., Potekhin L.P.


Reasons are examined for the necessity of eliminating restrictions on the speed of impoundment (drawdown) of a reservoir, ensuring safe operation of the structure. The effect of the rate of change of the HWL on the rate of change of radial displacements of a dam is studied. It is shown that increasing the rate of reservoir impoundment does not worsen the stress-strain state of the structure.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):39-46
pages 39-46 views

Nonstandard Events that Have Occurred at Hydroelectric Power Plants in Russia and Abroad

Mikhailov M.G.


Information on technical events occurring in the course of running in operations, functional operations, and field tests and redevelopment of the process equipment of hydroelectric power plants that have occurred in Russia and abroad on domestically produced equipment and equipment produced abroad is discussed.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):47-53
pages 47-53 views

Factors of Ice Crushing Load on Vertical Structures

Politko V.A., Kantarzhi I.G.


Improving methods for the determination of ice loads is important for raising the design efficiency of hydraulic structures. A disagreement between the SP 38.13330.2012 procedure for the evaluation of design ice load and full-scale data is demonstrated. A new formula for determining ice load based on comparison of different theoretical approaches and field data is presented. The effect of the planform of the structure on the ice load is analyzed numerically. The results show that the shape factors of the support can differ from those used in SP 38.13330.2012s.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):54-61
pages 54-61 views

Effectiveness of Large Power Reduction for a Combined-Cycle Power Plant with Several Gas Turbines and One Steam Turbine and Some of the Shutdown Equipment Used as Hot Reserve

Radin Y.A., Gombolevskii V.I., Smyshlyaev V.B., Rudenko D.V.


The change in the structure of generating capacities and the commissioning of combined-cycle power units with efficiency much higher than that of the best steam-power units motivated designing these units mainly for baseloads. However, the recent market changes in the generating capacities of Russia and other countries have required extending the normal operating range of CCPPs with HRSGs and accelerating hot start-ups after short (up to 8 – 10 hours) downtimes.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):69-73
pages 69-73 views

Energy-Efficient Distribution of Heat Between the Boiler Units of Industrial Power Palnts with the Use of Computers

Varganova A.V., Malafeev A.V.


Methods of increasing the operating efficiency of industrial power plants through the use of novel computer software are considered. By means of these methods the rational boiler load may be determined based on a minimum criterion of the total cost of the steam needed to generate electricity and cover the required thermal load.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Fatigue Strength of the Low-Pressure Rotors of Steam Turbines

Deomidova Y.A., Zile A.Z., Taradai D.V., Tomashevskii S.B.


The effect of different factors on the fatigue state and fatigue strength of the low-pressure rotors of stationary steam power turbines is analyzed. Levels of variable stresses acting in the annular grooves beneath the thrust rings of the adapter disks of the low-pressure rotors are determined for the case of T-175/210-130 turbine units. Amplitudes of variable bending stresses with 50 Hz frequency in the grooves as functions of the displacements of the supports of the low-pressure rotors relative to the adjacent supports of the generator and an average-pressure rotor are obtained. It is shown that the position of the supports on the side of the generators when they turn out to be below the adjacent supports is the most unfavorable position from the standpoint of the resulting cyclic stress. With an unfavorable misalignment of the supports, the stresses produced by the intrinsic weight of the rotors together with the stresses from transverse oscillations of the shaft may exceed 20 MPa. The level of dynamic stresses in the grooves falls with a higher position of the supports of the low-pressure rotors relative to adjacent supports. Data are obtained that confirm and substantiate previously expressed theories of the influence of variable bending stresses acting in a corrosive-active medium on the formation of the fatigue cracks in the low-pressure rotors of certain types of central heating steam turbines. To reduce the formation of cracks, it necessary to achieve optimum alignment of the low-pressure rotors with adjacent rotors besides maintaining a required water and chemical regime. In selecting an optimum alignment, the influence of all the factors should be kept in mind and the variation of the support responses and operating time of the turbine unit in each of the characteristic operating modes should be taken into account.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):79-84
pages 79-84 views

Solar Photovoltaic Plants

Strebkov D.S., Shogenov A.K.


This paper provides brief information about solar photovoltaic power plants (SPVPP) based on semiconductor photo converters and their components, such as: solar cells, modules, panels, tiles and inverters. A brief overview of the solar power industry worldwide as well as in Russia is given. The paper also provides key technical data related to the Altai and Crimean SPVPP, examples of power supply to self-sustaining customers (residential dwellings and summer cottages, distant livestock pastures of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), etc.), as well as conditions at which SPVPP can compete with hydraulic and thermal power generation.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):85-90
pages 85-90 views

Assessment of the State of Electrical Insulation by Measuring Isothermal Relaxation Current

Kononenko A.I.


Experimental data on measurements of isothermal relaxation current (IRC) are presented for different kinds of industrial electrical insulation: cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) 6-kV power cables and thermosetting insulation for the stator windings of high-power rotation machinery. The ageing of and damage to electrical insulation was assessed using indicators derived from the so-called distributed charge current. An analysis of the experimental data shows that the IRC method is highly sensitive for detection of incipient defects in these insulating materials and can be used to determine the indicators of ageing in XLPE insulation and their initial and limiting values.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):95-101
pages 95-101 views

Suppression of Weakly-Damped Torsional Oscillations in Autonomous Power Systems

Belyaev A.N., Smolovik S.V.


Variants are considered for suppression of weakly-damped vibration effects caused by the first critical frequency of torsional oscillations of a gas-turbine unit in the autonomous electric power system of an oil and gas field. It is shown that torsional oscillations can be suppressed with the aid both of a reactive power source installed at the field power system, consisting of a controlled shunt reactor (CSR) and a static capacitor battery, and of an auxiliary active RLC filter, when using in both cases auxiliary control loops of torsional deviation as well as its first and second derivatives. A methodology has been developed for simultaneous coordination of the settings of any regulation system based on a numerical optimization, which permits selecting the characteristics of control loops of the source of reactive power and active RLC filter that are optimal from the point of view of suppressing torsional oscillations.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):102-109
pages 102-109 views

Phase Wire Break Signaling for 6 – 10 kV Overhead Line

Ershov A.M., Khlopova A.B., Sidorov A.I.


To detect phase wire breaks in a 6 – 10 kV overhead line, the negative-sequence voltage on the low-tension side of the 6 – 10/0.4 kV power transformer can be used. The results of studying the effect of a phase wire break in an overhead line, phase displacement groups, and phase unbalance of demand loads in a 380 V network on the negative-sequence voltage are presented. A device for signaling phase wire breaks in a 6 – 10 kV overhead line is described. The device is based on a microprocessor electricity meter installed on the low-tension side of a 6 – 10/0.4 kV power transformer.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):110-115
pages 110-115 views

Calculating the Starting Currents of Electric Motors in 0.4 kV Auxiliary Networks of Nuclear Power Plants

Aroyan S.A.


Consideration is given to the effect of the resistance of the cable supplying power to the electric motor in the 0.4 kV auxiliary network of a nuclear (thermal) power plant on the starting current and, hence, on the current setpoint for the circuit breaker, on its sensitivity to short-circuit current, and on the cable size. It is shown that accounting for the resistance of the power cable of the motor that is commensurable with the starting resistance of the latter allows using a cable of smaller size compared with that determined regardless of its resistance.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):116-119
pages 116-119 views

Thermal Power Plants

Properties and Pulverized Coal Combustion of Low-Reactivity Fuels. Part I. Fuel Properties and Preparation for Combustion

Alekhnovich A.N.


Low-reactivity properties of anthracite, lean coals, and petroleum coke are determined by a combination of factors, including not only a low heating value of the volatile matter, but also an increase in the volatile yield and ignition temperatures, as well as decrease in reactivity properties of a non-volatile residue. The fuel preparation activities intended to increase the stability of the fuel ignition and burnout include the improvement of heat balance of the air-fuel mixture flow and favorable adjustment of the reactivity properties of the fuel supplied to the furnace.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):62-68
pages 62-68 views

Power Systems and Electric Networks

Voltage Regulation in Urban Distribution Electrical Networks

Sokolov S.E., Sokolova I.S., Shubekova K.K.


The use of OLTC devices for supply transformers and OCTC devices on a TP is analyzed. Based on calculations performed, it is proposed to use a transformer with automatic control of secondary voltage by switching regulating windings that are located partially on the primary and partially on additional cores. The proposed model of the transformer can be considered as an alternative to transformers with OCTC device voltage 6 – 10/0.4 kV and power up to 1000 kV · A.

Power Technology and Engineering. 2018;52(1):91-94
pages 91-94 views

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