A new principle for the diagnosis morphea in the onset of the disease




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BACKGROUND: Because of the low specificity morphea clinical manifestations in early stages, the differential diagnosis is difficult.

AIMS: The purpose of the research is to propose a new diagnostic method for early stages of localized scleroderma.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: During 2011–2020, 77 patients with clinical manifestations of morphea and 127 controls were examined and included in the study at the LenOblCenter. All participants were conducted a transcutaneous oximetry with the “TCM-400” Radiometer apparatus. The tissue oxygen perfusion (tcpO2) level from 40 to 50 mm Hg was considered as a reversible decrease, from 30 to 40 mm hg was a borderline decline and the value below 30 mm hg was critical. The following diagnostic skin biopsy was conducted in all 77 patients

RESULTS: Skin biopsy allowed to form 4 research groups: 40 patients with morphea, 12 patients with granuloma annulare, 15 patients with small plaque parapsoriasis and 10 individuals with large plaque parapsoriasis. 7 (17.5%) patients with morphea had normal tcpO2 values, 9 (22.5%) patients had significant decrease of tcpO2, 24 patients (60%) showed a reversible decrease of tcpO2. 3/12 (25%) patients with granuloma annulare and 1 patient (10%) with large plaque parapsoriasis had minor oxygen level decrease. Measurement on the healthy skin showed tcpO2 decrease in patients with comorbidities ― 3/77 (3.9%) in research group and 28/127 (22%) in controls.

CONCLUSIONS: Transcutaneous oximetry is a new perspective direction in the diagnostic algorithm of the morphea based on the pathogenesis and morphological features of the disease.


Denis Zaslavsky

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: venerology@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5936-6232
SPIN 代码: 5832-9510

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, 2 Litovskay street, 194100, Saint-Peterburg

Akmal Sidikov

Tashkent State Stomatology Institute

Email: medik-85@bk.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0909-7588

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.)

乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent

Lyubov Garyutkina

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: liubovgariutkina.md@gmail.com
SPIN 代码: 3863-8682

Graduate Student

俄罗斯联邦, 2 Litovskay street, 194100, Saint-Peterburg

Grigoriy Pyagai

Tashkent State Stomatology Institute

Email: gregbae@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6456-6594
SPIN 代码: 2941-7297

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor

乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent

Muyassar Alaeva

Tashkent State Stomatology Institute

Email: allaeva_m.d@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5765-5425

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor

乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent

Nargiza Ibragimova

Tashkent State Stomatology Institute

Email: nargiza.is23@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9715-9901

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor

乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent

Nilufar Malikova

Tashkent State Stomatology Institute

Email: dr.malikova@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6964-8372

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor

乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent

Darya Kozlova

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: dashauchenaya@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6942-2880
SPIN 代码: 3783-8565


俄罗斯联邦, 2 Litovskay street, 194100, Saint-Peterburg


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2. Fig. 1. Clinical photo of the patient with localized scleroderma.

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3. Fig. 2. Clinical photo of the patient with granuloma annulare.

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4. Fig. 3. Clinical photo of the patient with small-plaque parapsoriasis.

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5. Fig. 4. Clinical photo of the patient with large-plaque parapsoriasis.

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6. Fig. 5. Placing the electrodes on the lesion and on the unaffected skin in the back area.

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7. Fig. 6. The diagnosis is morphea. There is no pathologic changes in the epidermis. There is a thickening and homogenization of collagen fibers in papillar and reticular dermis; perivascular heterogeneous infiltrtrate consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes and plasmocytes; hypoplasia/aplasia of apocrine and eccrine glands and hair follicles. (Hematoxylin & Eosin staining, ×100).

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8. Fig. 7. The diagnosis is granuloma annulare. There is no pathological changes in the epidermis. There is a pronounced infiltrate consisting of histiocytes, lymphocytes in the dermis, and mucin depositions. (Hematoxylin & Eosin staining, ×100).

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9. Fig. 8. The diagnosis is a small-plaque parapsoriasis. There is a uniform acantosis of the epidermis. There is a interstitial infiltrate consisting predominantly of lymphocytes with an admixture of histiocytes. Infiltrate have a tendency to penetrate the epidermis (exocytosis). (Hematoxylin & Eosin staining, ×100).

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10. Fig. 9. The diagnosis is a large-plaque parapsoriasis. There is an ortokeratosis and psoriasiform acantosis of the epidermis. In the papillary dermis there is a lichenoid infiltrate of atypical lymphocytes with a tendency to penetrate the epidermis. (Hematoxylin & Eosin staining, ×100).

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11. Fig. 10. A schematic representation: а ― of oxygen (O2) transport into tissues and the removal of carbon dioxide (CO2); б ― of the obstructed transport of gases between the capillary and tissues due to thickening of the vascular wall and fibrosis in localized scleroderma. Thus, there is an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the tissues.

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