The influence of peptide bioregulators on skin aging in 3D culture model




He effect of mesotherapy injection (Meso-Wharton R199TM) on the dermal fibroblasts culture, simulating condition of (mature) aging skin cells are studied. Material and methods. The culture of 4th passage fibroblasts (P4), that corresponds to young skin fibroblasts (control) and the culture of 18th passage fibroblasts (P18), that has all the signs of aging dermal fibroblasts (predominance of large cells, slow cell division) were used. Bioactivity was assessed by cell morphology, epithelium-mesenchyme plasticity and expression of fibroblasts markers: cytokeratin 19, elastin, a-smooth muscle actin (aSMA), PCNA (proliferation marker), collagen types I, III, IV and fibronectin. The formation of spheroids occur when fibroblasts P18 are cultivating with the injection medication, on terms comparable to the formation of spheroids from P4 young fibroblasts. From culture of fibroblasts P18, that was cultured without medication, does not form the full spheroid, but aggregation of cells and their gradual destruction with necrotic masses within the unit are observed. The presence of the medication stimulates the “rejuvenation” of cells and subsequent recovery of the mesenchyme-epithelial plasticity of cultured fibroblasts due to the reduced ability to synthesize sufficient to establish the amount of intercellular contacts the extracellular matrix components (fibronectin and collagen), which affects the ability to form spheroids. Culturing spheroids formed with the medication stimulates expression of elastin, collagen type IV, fibronectin extracellular matrix protein that supports the skin elasticity and superficial cells actively express cytokeratin 19. The study results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of mesotherapeutic treatment for skin rejuvenation.


K. Kozhina

The Center for Restorative Medicine

117997, Moscow, Russia

E. Volkova

The Center for Restorative Medicine

117997, Moscow, Russia

I. Saburina

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology; Russian Medical Academy for Post-Graduate Education

125315, Moscow, Russia

Sergey Morozov

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, deputy director for scientific work 125315, Moscow, Russia

I. Zurina

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology

125315, Moscow, Russia

N. Kosheleva

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology; Lomonosov Moscow State University

Биологический факультет 125315, Moscow, Russia

A. Gorkun

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology

125315, Moscow, Russia

A. Grigorieva

The Center for Restorative Medicine

117997, Moscow, Russia


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