Melanocortin 1 receptor MC1R as a genetic factor in the development of psoriasis




The CRH-POMC system in the skin coordinates pigmentation and the immune response. We performed the association study of single-nucleotide polymorphism SNPs of MC1R gene in a cohort ofpsoriasis patients of Tatar ethnic group from the Volga-Ural region of Russia. The results suggest that polymorphisms of the MC1R gene may contribute to the protection or development of psoriasis in Tatar population.


Elvira Galimova

Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of Ufa Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences; Translational Medicine

Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine; BD, PhD, Research Fellow, Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of Ufa Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences Ufa, 450054, Russian Federation

Sulev Kõks

Translational Medicine

Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine 50411, Tartu, Estonia

Külli Kingo

Translational Medicine

Department of dermatology, University of Tartu 50411, Tartu, Estonia

E. Khusnutdinova

Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of Ufa Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences

Ufa, 450054, Russian Federation


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