Trace element status of the patients with alopecia areata




The issue of trace elements participation in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata and the mechanisms of change in bio-concentrated trace remains unresolved and requires further consideration. Goal. To rate trace element balance in patients with alopecia areata. Material and methods. The study group consisted of patients with focal forms of alopecia areata (n = 100), the comparison group - healthy individuals (n = 100). The estimate of trace element status was performed by comparative analysis of the contents 11 trace elements (zinc, iron, copper, cobalt, chromium, manganese, nickel, strontium, bismuth, cadmium, lead) in whole blood and hair in the study group. Results. The study reported a significant decrease in the level of zinc and iron in a patient’s blood and an increase in bio-concentrate iron, copper, chromium and nickel in hair ofpatients compared with healthy participants. Trace element analysis of whole blood and hair allowed to suggeste that a cause of an arising microelement imbalance is probably an autoimmune inflammation in the skin ofpatients suffering from alopecia areata. Confirmation of this hypothesis requires further comprehensive studies.


Tatiyana Nikolaeva

Orenburg State Medical University

Cand. Med. Sci., associate Professor at the Department of dermatology of Orenburg State Medical University Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation


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