Acanthosis nigricans




Clinical and morphological characteristics of acanthosis nigricans (pigmented papillary degeneration of the skin), referred to a heterogeneous group of papillomatous keratoses and characterized by villous papillomatous growth and hyperpigmentation of the skin, are presented. Acanthosis nigricans is a rare disease and is often a “marker” of visceral diseases, such as polycystic ovaries, insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, obesity, malignant tumors. Published data on the pathogenesis, clinical forms, and histological picture of the disease are presented. A clinical observation of benign acanthosis nigricans in a young patient is presented.


Elena Snarskaya

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow State Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. 119991, Moscow, Russia

P. Kochubeeva

Ramenskoe Central Clinical Hospital

Dermato-Venereological Department 140100, Ramenskoe, Moscow Region


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