Cyclosporine A in dermatology




Published data on cyclosporine A mechanism of action, treatment protocols, side effects, and combinations with other drugs are reviewed. Clinical data on the efficiency of the immunosuppressant, used in modern practical dermatology for therapy ofpsoriasis, atopic dermatitis, pemphigus vulgaris, alopecia areata, etc., are presented. Published data indicate high efficiency of cyclosporine A in the treatment of these diseases. Positive effects of the drug on the involved skin and induction of clinical remission in response to treatment are described.


Lusine Garanyan

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

Кафедра кожных и венерических болезней лечебного факультета, клинический ординатор 119991, Moscow, Russia

D. Avagyan

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

Кафедра кожных и венерических болезней лечебного факультета, клинический ординатор 119991, Moscow, Russia


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