Phototherapy for psoriasis: Basic mechanisms of action

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A review ofpublished data on the mechanisms of action of medium-wave UV therapy and PUVA therapy for psoriasis is presented. The therapeutic effect of phototherapy is mediated by a combination of several mechanisms of action: impairment of DNA replication and cell cycle, generation of active oxygen species, stimulation of apoptosis of T-lymphocytes, dendritic cells, and keratinocytes, modulation of synthesis of cytokines and their receptors in the skin. These effects explain the immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative effects of phototherapy.

About the authors

M. B Zhilova

State Center of Dermato-Venereology and Cosmetology

кандидат мед. наук 107076, Moscow, Russia

Vladimir A. Volnukhin

State Center of Dermato-Venereology and Cosmetology

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. 107076, Moscow, Russia


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